Sunday, October 18, 2009

I suck at this blogging stuff!!! Either I'm so boring that I have nothing to say or I'm so busy that I dont have time to post...Which is it? Neither...Just lazy! maybe I'll come back and try again...


Thursday, January 1, 2009


My New Years Resoloution.....Show up at this place a tad more! I've got lots to share, lots'o stories, lots'o pictures and starting today lots'o creations. Some of you know that I can be a little crafty and well this is my blog and you'll just have to deal with some of those creations...K!?! Glad were straight on that.. ;-) So while I haven't been blogging, I have had much going on. Gregory had football and I've got some pretty cool pics of those few months that I will be sharing soon. Jess was in Baseball, lots of pics for that as well. All coming to blog near you...soon...Really!! I got this new little toy for Christmas and decided that I would use it to make some cards as gifts for a couple of my local peeps. Tell me what ya think...

Sunday, October 12, 2008


We have been planning this night for sometime now. It all started with Gregory getting a Football and having me write on it "Lindsey will you go to Homecoming with me #74".

Then during halftime at one of the Football games, an announcement over the stadium loudspeaker called for Lindsey to go down to the Football field and she was presented with the Football. This was all very cool and I would have pictures of this however my camera battery died( I'm a little bitter about it... Johnie has since remedied this problem by buying another battery for me). It was fun helping Gregory with the Tux fitting, getting the corsage and just generally getting to spend a little more time with him. I couldn't wait till the big night. Gregory couldn't either If nothing else just so mom would have no more reason to ask him REALLY IMPORTANT questions or bug him about all the details. Depends on whom you ask.... hmmmph whatever!!... In his words repeatedly, over every question I had, he said "MOM I GOT THIS" ! Hmmmphh really! I was quite sure he didn't HAVE THIS... We will have to settle that debate later, moving on... The big night approaches Gregory was mowing the lawn, cleaning the bathroom( all without being told...Oh my!!) and cleaning Dads truck !!! HUH.?. Why you ask, was he cleaning Dads truck. Well , there were a total of six young peeps all going together and Gregory was the driver. Dads truck holds six peeps, not comfortably mind you. It's an extended cab truck and in order to get in you have to pull forward the front seat. You get the idea...waayyyy cramped. Gregory had this brilliant idea to borrow moms brand new truck because, you know, it fits six people more comfortably and has four doors. Well, Gregory barely stated his case and Johnie shot that idea down real quick... Once again I have no pic of the expression on Gregory's face when he was deflated... But trust me the look of disgust was a prize winner... So here we finally are...
After all the pics were taken and the kids were walking out the door, Johnie said "maybe we should let them take your truck"...SAY WHAT!!!! your kidding right???? AWWWWW Johnie has a heart, go figure!?! I knew it all along, but lets not get used to the idea, don't want to ruin his rep... Johnie had seen how nice everyone looked and I think it finally dawned on him that his truck just wouldn't do...Gregory was in shock and they were totally excited, Johnie and I had what we think were the beginnings of a coronary....Soooo yes,we let a bunch of teenagers take off in our brand new truck, call us crazy. It all worked out, we got great pics, the kids had a fun night and most importantly returning my truck the way it left...Woot..Woot.. ;-)
Check out these cute couples....

Monday, September 15, 2008

Pasta Night

Wow.....Just Wow
I tried not to worry or stress on this, but I wanted it to be a big success for Gregorys sake.
It was Pasta Night!!! AKA Every Thursday night one of the Senior Football players hosts Pasta Night at their house for all the Senior Football players.... Scary!!! I thought to myself... I asked how many should I expect? Oh about 17 Mom... Then that number turned to 26...Oh my word!!!So I had to get my Pasta on... We decided on Spaghetti. I would make the sauce the night before and let it marinate all day, then heated it up that afternoon. Not usually how I would do it but I had to improvise... I couldn't be the mom that didn't have enough, so I used the BIG BOY, yep I brought out our Crab Boil Pot... Of course this sounded like a great idea at the time, until it was to big and tooooo heavy for my stove burner... My stove managed ... What a trooper I thought. Now for the spaghetti and bread... At this time, guys are showing up and things are going smoothly... I'm thinking this is gonna turn out great, my water is fixin to boil and the bread is about to go into the oven, more guys are showing up, everyone is smilinggggggg and the oven and stove lights have gone offffffff!!!!!!! WTH--- Your kidding me right.... Johnie!!!! I scream, I need you to flip the switch thingy!!!! It was all just too much for my kitchen apparently... Plan B? I dunno?!? My good friend Rachel was here helping with all the madness that would surely ensue... Ellen, my other good friend whom lives two houses down, I call and say Help!!! I need your stove and oven... Ellen being the fabu person she is said bring yer crap on up...(not actually in those words, but I'm telling a story here...K...LOL) So here goes Rachel running up the street with my pot of half boiled water, yes not so smart on our part, but you didn't see these guys, we had to take our chances... I was following her with trays of bread... I'm sure we looked like a site running down the road...Thanks to Ellen and Rachel( props to my two chicka's for all your help) spaghetti and bread made it back to my house just in time before the guys figured out that I could swim ...uh oh !!!...Come and get it!!!! Over 20 guys gathered into my kitchen and piled their plates with the goods... They ate and got full....Success!!! Then the real madness began!!! Check out this wild bunch... We had a blast!!!

They were a fun group of guys, very respectful

and as they all left commented on how good the

food was and that I was the first mom to have

enough.... The next night was our third game of

the season, they had been 0-2 (zero wins, two

losses) They beat the mess out of the other team that night...Coincidence? I think not... ;-)

Thanks for a memorable night guys...

Saturday, September 6, 2008

13 Years....

Here's what Thirteen years got me... Isn't it pretty?.. Johnie knows how much I
like plants...So thoughtful of him, don't you think?

Ohhhhh silly me... Let me Zooooommmm out a tad bit....

Thats more like it... Nice!!! If I do say so myself....

and check out that hood ornament... She' pretending to be Vanna...
GIVE ME A "D"!!!!!

The new gal has some bling going on too....check out those wheels...NICE!!!
Don't worry Johnie, I'll let ya drive her... It's got to have gas every now and again
especially with that Hemi... ;-) Much Love My Main Man....Happy 13
Luv, dubya

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Can we say Slacker?

Ok, so my goal was to post at least once a week.. So much for that idea.. Well you know...I went full time at work and then there are the puppies, Remi, Jake & Shelby who can be very demanding of your time (those who venture to my home on a regular basis can attest to that)
Here's Shelby, shes our Grandma dog. She rules the roost & keeps our other two dogs in line. Shes also my personal shadow and little protector...

Then there's this guy: Jake

He's our Dum Dee Dum Doop Dee Doooo...Lets just say he's 100lbs worth of special...Thank God for his good looks and sweet nature... Your typical lover not a fighter kinda guy... Big cuddle bug this one is... Moving on...
Last but sooooo not least is "Remi the Rotton", yes she has the name for a reason...We won't get into that right now... She also goes by "Wiggle Butt" & "MLT" aka Mighty Long Tongue said in your best Indian Chief voice no less...LoL...(I crack myself up) :-) She cracks me up too and she definitely has the most character of them all. Can you tell by her pic? She's a mess that one, you can tell in her eyes she's fixin to be up to no good...
So you see for yourself these guys demand alot of attention... Not to mention I still have kids and don't forget the hubby... They all need something in one way or the other... I know most of you can relate... So now that I'm done giving you a load of excuses let's move on to our 4th of July weekend. We decided to get out of town and go up to Brianhead, Utah. It's a ski resort that we visit quite often... Turns out we love it more during the summer then the winter... We took in a fabulous fireworks show and did some fishing and as always some site seeing... Here's a little of what we saw while there...

Jess with a whooper of a trout...

Johnie out in his float tube enjoying every minute of it...
Here are some sites we caught on the way back from fishing...It was a fun and beautiful ride...
Last but not least, I wanted to share a pic of Johnie and I... This is probably our most recent pic but its all I could come across... I know a Christmas pic may not seem so relevant to this post but stay with me... Several years ago I lost contact with a good friend, and of course I've thought about how she was doing and what not,but I really had no idea of how to get a hold of her... Then, about a week ago I get an email and it was her... after six plus years she has come back into my life... So here's how we look as of seven months ago ( :-) Face )
I'm still busy as hell, but my intentions are to keep you my friends and family updated to the goings on in our neck of the woods, and apparently it may not be as often as I had hoped, but I'll keep trying if y'all are willing to hang in there by stopping in every now and again... Thanks for checking in...
Love, W

Monday, May 26, 2008

Happy Memorial Day...

I hope you had a good weekend. We sure did and have plenty of pictures to show.
Sunday we decided to head to the outskirts of town and do a little fourwheeling. It's about an hour away in a dry lake bed. We like taking the kiddos there to brush up on their riding skills, confidence, plus they like to see how fast they can go. Or in other words see how quick they can give mom a coronary. I'm constantly asking Johnie "you think they're goin to fast" "Don't you think they're taking that turn to fast"! He always responds with a "let 'em be"....Hmmmph!!!!! Not quite what I want to hear, but so far so good. No major accidents to report as of today (unless you count the run-in I had with Jess.. Oops!)(No pics, no proof ;-) ) Speaking of pictures, can you believe I forgot my camera..?... Now what? Monday..Johnie asks "whats on the agenda for today"? Welllllll, I had grand visions of catching all the sales and possibly buying something I couldn't afford, but I kinda want to hit the dry lake bed again. You didn't have say it twice to Johnie and we were packed up and on the road again with cameras in hand this time.. So for your viewing pleasure.... Our Day!!!
Jess driving her daddy around...(notice him holding on for dear life)
Jess taking on a little(I mean big scary)

Johnies turn... (Jess is now holding on for dear life...notice a pattern between these two?)

Catching a weeeee bit of air...
Hey theres ME!!! this is a rare site...

Ok Gregory...Show off....With each inch higher is one foot deeper for me...

Oh Yeah...heres hot stuff again...LMBO!!! Thanks for capturing those special moments hun...

I hope he makes this turn or I'll be eatin head light....

Rough terrain + small hiney = better stand up so I don't bruise my butt

You talkin bout my hiney?

I'm outta here....

I can no longer ride under these hiney talking conditions...I hear ya baby..Lets head back to the house...
Till next time,
Love, W